- Cabinet
- Can't pay council tax bill
- Car alarms
- Car clubs
- Car parks
- Care and support (adults)
- Care homes (residential, for older people)
- Care leavers
- Careers with the council
- Careline
- Carers
- Caretaking on estates
- Cars
- Cemeteries
- Certificates
- Change in circumstances
- Change of address
- Chaperone licences
- Charging points for electric vehicles
- Chief executive
- Child protection
- Childcare
- Childminders
- Children educated at home
- Children with disabilities
- Children's centres
- Children's holiday activities
- Citizenship
- Civic amenity sites
- Civic Honours scheme
- Civil partnerships
- Climate action
- Climate and Ecological Strategy
- Climate crisis
- Clinical waste
- Collection calendar for rubbish and recycling
- Commercial dog walking in parks
- Commercial waste
- Common land
- Communications team
- Community benefits team
- Community care grants (local welfare assistance)
- Community centres
- Community champions
- Community cleaning
- Community climate grants
- Community grants
- Community hub
- Community right (to bid and challenge)
- Community room hire
- Community safety
- Community support directory
- Complaints
- Complaints (consumer)
- Compliments
- Composting
- Condensation
- Connexions
- Conservation
- Constitution (council)
- Construction
- Consultations
- Consumer complaints
- Contact the council by phone
- Contaminated land
- Contracts
- Controlled parking zones (CPZs)
- Cost of care exercise
- Cost of living support
- Council budgets and spending
- Council committee meetings
- Council house repairs
- Council housing
- Council management
- Council plan
- Council priorities
- Council tax
- Council tax - register
- Council tax - single person/sole adult occupier's discount
- Council tax appeal
- Council tax direct debit
- Council tax discounts
- Council tax payments
- Council tax rebate
- Council tax reduction or support
- Council tax support - appeal
- Council telephone number
- Council's magazine
- Councillors
- Councillors' scheme of allowances
- Counterfeit goods
- Courses for adults
- Court summons - council tax
- Creating good jobs
- Credit crunch
- Cremation
- Crime prevention
- Criminal records checking service
- Crisis loans (local welfare assistance)
- Crossover
- Cultural manifesto
- Cycling