- Facts and figures
- Fake goods
- Family Information Service
- Featherstone Sports Centre
- Fighting inequality
- Filming
- Financial assistance (education)
- Financial help and advice
- Financial plans
- Financial strategy (medium-term)
- Financial support
- Find your collection day for rubbish and recycling
- Find your nearest
- Fire emergency
- Fire in one of our high risk buildings
- Fitness
- Fitness and small group activities in parks
- Fixed penalty notice (FPN)
- Flats and red route recycling
- Flooding (contamination)
- Floods
- Flu vaccination
- Flyposting
- Flytipping
- Food businesses
- Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
- Food waste bin needed
- Food waste recycling
- Forward plan
- Fostering
- Fostering (private)
- Fraud (consumer)
- Fraud and corruption
- Free schools meals
- Freedom of information
- Freedom pass
- Funding for sport