- Damp
- Dangerous structures
- Data protection
- Day centres
- Deafness
- Death
- Decision making
- Deed of postponement
- Deferred Payment Scheme
- Demographics
- Demolition sites
- Directors (executive)
- Disabilities
- Disabilities (children)
- Disability benefits
- Disabled bays
- Disabled parking badges
- Disabled person's bus pass
- Discretionary housing payments and discretionary council tax discounts
- Distance marker routes and outdoor gyms
- Diversity and equality
- Do it online
- Do Something Good
- Dog mess
- Dog walking permit
- Dogs
- Domestic noise
- Domestic violence
- Dominion Arts Education Centre
- Dormers Wells Leisure Centre
- Drains - responsibilities and maintenance
- Drinking water
- Dropped kerb - apply
- Dropped kerb - register
- Dropped kerbs
- Drugs services
- Dump
- Dumped cars
- Dumped rubbish
- Dust
- Duty planner - book appointment