Contact us


The quickest and easiest way to access council services is online via My Account. You can report, pay, request, apply and book a range of services 24/7 and you can track and monitor your progress all in one place.

The following services can be found on My Account:

  • council tax
  • housing benefit
  • business rates
  • environmental services
  • parking
  • mobility
  • complaints and compliments
  • council housing rent
  • repairs
  • home ownership

If you do not have the internet at home and want to access online services, all the borough’s libraries offer free internet access.

My Account support team

If you have any problems registering your account or resetting your password please view My Account Help for instructions.

For any other My Account issues, please contact the My Account support team by telephone 020 8825 7733 – Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Change of address

Tell us about a change of address

Quickly find the service you need online

You can report a problem or request a servicemake a paymentfind your nearest services or have your say online at your convenience.

Alternatively, please use our A to Z to find the information and contact details for the service you require.

Web assistant

Our online chat service is quick and easy to use. Web assistant will help you find information and direct you to online services on our website.

If needed, the web assistant will pass on your chat to a member of staff during office hours. 

Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 5pm and Wednesday 10am to 5pm. We are closed on weekends and bank holidays.

To access our web assistant, click on the chat icon, in the bottom right corner of the page.

The following services are available on web assistant:

  • abandoned vehicle or bike
  • parks, trees and allotments
  • graffiti or flyposting
  • road or pavement problems
  • street lighting
  • refuse and recycling services

We may ask for your address and contact information while using this service. 


We offer telephone services to customers who are unable to access our online services.

The contact centre is open 9am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 10am to 5pm on Wednesday.

Our phone lines can get very busy so please only contact us by telephone if you have an urgent enquiry or you are unable to use our online services.

 Contact centre services


How to access 

Council tax enquiries 

My Account: 
020 8825 7050 

Housing benefit

My Account: 
020 8825 7000 

Housing repairs 

My Account: 
020 8825 5682 

Ealing Together (offering financial support and advice)

020 8825  7170

Environmental enquiries 

My Account: 
020 8825 6000 

Council switchboard (including out of hours emergencies)

020 8825 5000 

Other council services


How to access 


Housing Solutions (housing advice) 

020 8825 8888

Housing options (applying for housing) 

020 8825 8888

Other housing contacts

Housing contacts

Council housing contacts

Housing hubs - for tenants only

Parking enquiries 

My Account: 
020 8825 6677 

Schools admissions 

These t​elephone lines are only open 9am-12noon, Monday to Friday:

  • Primary school telephone: 020 8825 5511
  • Secondary school telephone: 020 8825 5522

Social Services / safeguarding 

020 8825 8000 

 If you are deaf or hard of hearing you are able to use the Relay UK service. This is free of charge

Visit us

Find out which locations you can visit

In writing

Write to the relevant service at: Ealing Council, Perceval House, 14/16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL 

Out-of-hours emergencies

For out-of-hours emergencies only telephone the switchboard on 020 8825 5000.  

Website - faults and technical issues

How to report a fault or other technical issue on this website

Other council offices

Our neighbouring councils

BrentHammersmith and FulhamHarrowHillingdonHounslow