- Sacks (recycling or garden waste) needed
- SAFE service (for professionals)
- SAFE service (parents and carers)
- Safeguarding adults (at risk)
- Safeguarding Children Board
- Safer Ealing Partnership
- Salt for the roads
- Saving energy
- Scaffolding and hoarding
- Scheme of allowances (councillors)
- School admissions
- School admissions (in-year)
- School appeal
- School attendance
- School exclusions
- School governors
- School meals financial assistance
- School Streets
- School term and holiday dates
- School uniform grant
- Schools and colleges
- Scrutiny
- Search for a planning application
- Searches
- Secondary schools
- Section 171 licence (temporary excavation)
- Section 50 licence (street works)
- Selling your property
- Senior management of the council
- Set up direct debit for council tax
- Sewers - responsibilities and maintenance
- Shaping Ealing/your town
- Shared ownership
- Signs
- Single person/sole adult occupier's discount
- Sixth forms (on GOV.UK)
- Skip licences
- Smoking (help with quitting)
- Social care
- Southall Gasworks
- Southall Manor House Grounds
- Southall Park
- Southall Sports Centre
- Spare rooms and housing benefit
- Special collection
- Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
- Special schools
- Spending
- Sports
- Sports and leisure centres
- Sports funding
- Sports pitches
- Statement of accounts
- Stillbirths
- Strategies and plans
- Stray animals
- Street cleaning
- Street lighting
- Street naming and numbering
- Street parties, events and processions
- Street signs
- Street trading
- Street works licence
- Student finance
- Subject access requests
- Subways and bridges
- Support for carers
- Supportive Action for Families in Ealing (for professionals)
- Supportive Action for Families in Ealing (parents and carers)
- Swift Road Outdoor Sports Centre
- Switchboard number