- Ealing Business Partnership
- Ealing cinema
- Ealing Families Directory
- Ealing Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme
- Ealing music service
- Ealing News Extra (now called Around Ealing)
- Ealing pension fund policy statements
- Ealing Prevent
- Ealing Safeguarding Adults Board (ESAB)
- Ealing Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB)
- Ealing School Streets
- Ealing’s Climate and Ecological Strategy
- Early call for sites for the new local plan
- Early years
- Educating your child at home
- Education
- Education (financial help)
- Elderly care (services)
- Elections
- Electoral register
- Electric vehicles
- Electrical and electronic items recycling
- Elthorne Sports Centre
- Emergencies
- Emergency alarm system
- Employment, learning and skills
- Empty properties (grants to repair and renovate)
- Empty properties (scheme for sellers and buyers)
- End your tenancy
- Energy bills rebate
- Energy efficiency
- Energy jargon buster
- Energy saving
- Enrol and pay for an adult learning course
- Equality and diversity
- Equality Commission
- Estates caretaking
- Ethnicity pay gap
- EUSS ID verification service
- Evening classes
- Events at libraries
- Events in a park or on the highway
- Everyone Active Acton Centre
- Exchange - council housing
- Exclusions from school
- Exercise