Most of us travel every day to work, to do the school run, to do our shopping or visit a loved one. Unfortunately, many of these journeys are in cars that predominantly run-on fossil fuels, significantly contributing to carbon emissions.
Whilst not every person can use alternative methods of transport nor can every journey be made using these alternatives, for the vast majority of us who can make these changes the aim of this theme is to support and encourage this. A small reduction in the number of regular, short car journeys by everyone in the borough could have a huge impact on emission levels.
The council will continue to provide more safe space for active transport so that walking and cycling emerge as the preferred way to make all short journeys for residents that are able to travel this way.
To further increase opportunities for increased walking and cycling across the borough, particularly in town centres, the council will support the Mayor’s ‘Streetspace for London’ strategy.
To support the transition to electric and hydrogen powered vehicles - which are more environmentally friendly - we have delivered more than 200 on-street electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) across the borough. The council’s target is for all residents to be within a five-minute walk of an EVCP by 2025.