Ealing’s climate and ecological strategy


The COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted just how important green spaces are for our mental health and wellbeing; these are places that should be treasured and protected. The trees, hedgerows, parks, rivers, ponds, fields and gardens in Ealing all have an important role to play in storing carbon and combatting climate change. Equally importantly is for the borough to retain a diversity of habitats which are connected to each other.

The council is committing to operational improvements to reduce carbon emissions when maintaining our green spaces by electrifying vehicles and power tools - and powering the batteries through green electricity.

The draft strategy also commits to expanding meadows, hedgerows and tree canopy - storing carbon for the long term, drawing CO2 from the atmosphere and locking it away. 

The council will direct its powers to addressing the impacts of climate change that are already apparent, such as alleviating surface water flooding. 

Read our full climate and ecological emergency strategy