Transport strategies and plans

Consultation findings

Street 1: Lady Margaret Road to Western Road

Proposals for centred on improvements to pavements, cycling routes, junctions, and bus lanes along Western Road, King Street, The Green, and South Road. In general, concerns were raised about the ideas worsening traffic flow and their suitability for the needs of residents.

Making South Road one-way in the southbound direction and adding a northbound bus and cycle-only lane received the most feedback from the response form questions and email feedback. Respondents broadly felt that the suggestion to add a bus and cycle-only lane, removing a southbound lane for traffic, would worsen congestion on this road and many respondents opposed the changes. It was highlighted that consideration should be given to the impact on traffic flow both on South Road and surrounding streets, with many suggesting widening the bridge to increase the road’s capacity. Responses also encouraged additional ideas for a new bus stop opposite Southall Station and wider pavements on the station side, due to them being a busy location for bus and train passengers.

Respondents commented frequently on widening the northeast pavement along The Green, South Road and Merrick Road and changing the roundabout to a junction with traffic lights, with a strong consensus to keep the existing roundabout layout rather than replacing with traffic lights. The main concern with the idea was that traffic lights would slow traffic and worsen congestion. Feedback agreed it can feel unsafe for pedestrians, and suggestions were made for new pedestrian crossings and re-opening the existing underpass.

Changing King Street to southbound traffic only to widen the pavement also received a high number of responses. Most frequently, responses noted opposition to a one-way system for King Street. Concerns were raised that traffic would instead be redirected onto neighbouring streets, and local businesses would be impacted by the loss of parking spaces. However, many also voiced support for the ideas presented here and encouraged making more space on pavements for pedestrians, as well as measures for pedestrian safety. Respondents made suggestions to enforce parking restrictions on double yellow lines and the addition of parking cameras.

In response to a bus only lane along the Green in the northbound direction between Featherstone Road and Kingston Road, the majority of concerns again centred on the impact on traffic flow and inconvenience for residents. Respondents generally opposed a bus-only lane and felt it should remain as it is currently. Respondents also felt there is little demand for cycling on this road. There was some support for improving bus lanes, and several respondents suggested bus lanes should operate during peak times to help buses run faster

Street 2: Avenue Road to Merrick Road

Eight ideas were proposed including widening and improving footpaths, introducing a shared pedestrian and cycle lane, implementation of traffic lights and zebra crossings and improvements to lighting and vegetation.

The proposals to create a wider, shared pavement for pedestrians and cyclists along Merrick Road were generally welcomed by consultees with many people expressing concerns about the current safety issues along the road and therefore support the ideas to improve visibility and manage vegetation. One key concern that was raised multiple times in opposition to this idea was around an increase in traffic and congestion on the road.

The shared pedestrian and cycle lane along Avenue Road, however, was widely opposed with many people stating that there is no requirement for a shared path as there is currently space for a segregated cycle path and there are also not enough cyclists in Southall to make this idea worthwhile. Furthermore, there were a number of concerns around the safety of pedestrians using a shared cycle lane.

One issue that was raised throughout was parking. Consultees requested more parking spaces throughout the Street and raised concerns around illegal parking. The proposal to keep on-street parking on Avenue Road received a mixed response. Some raised concerns that this would cause congestion along the road, while others thought additional spaces should be added to ensure residents had ample parking spaces.

Overall, the key areas of interest were the shared cycle and pedestrian lanes along Merrick Road and Avenue Road, with few comments relating to the wider ideas including traffic lights and zebra crossing implementation. There were some suggestions provided of additional ideas that were not included in the proposals. These included making Merrick Street one-way for vehicles, implementation of bollards along pavements to increase safety, widening Norwood Road to allow for parking and more spaces for cars to pass in both directions, improving road conditions along the street, and introducing a pay and display for parking bays on Merrick Road.

Street 3: Bankside to Havelock Road

Proposals include improving access to and safety along the canal path, re-opening the Dudley Road railway underpass, creating a cycle lane on Guru Nanak Road and adding on-road parking to Havelock Road.

The idea to create a separate cycle lane along Guru Nanak Road received the most comments on this Street which was widely opposed by consultees. The overarching comments related to the impact this idea would have on access to the Gurdwara. Many stated that the cycle lane would remove parking spaces for people visiting the Gurdwara, particularly disabled or elderly people who will require easy access. Some businesses expressed concern that a lack of parking spaces would negatively impact local businesses and shops. Furthermore, the Gurdwara regularly holds large events with hundreds of attendees from outside of the borough who travel by car and will require parking spaces. Consultees felt that the local community needs are not being considered here.

Further concern was raised relating to this idea suggesting it would lead to an increase in congestion and potential gridlock if the road is narrowed. However, others thought this would result in less congestion and supported the idea saying it would prevent parking and make the area more attractive. Supportive comments and additional suggestions included adding planting along the island on Guru Nanak Road to prevent parking on the cycle lane and to make it more attractive. There were also requests for cycle parking along the road.

We received several comments about creating more space for pedestrians to walk and there were suggestions to give this idea more consideration. Generally, this idea was opposed by consultees mainly due to safety concerns. By narrowing the road space, there was concern that vehicles will pass cyclists and pedestrians closer than they currently do. There were many suggestions to improve the pavement surfaces along Havelock Road to improve safety for the cyclists that use it.

There were also a number of suggestions relating to the local schools suggesting that on-street parking outside Havelock Primary School is removed and that Havelock Road is widened. There were also comments about consideration for improvements near Three Bridges School which currently experiences congestion.

There were few comments on the other ideas in this street, which supported proposals to increase safety along the canal path and improve vegetation near the underpass.

Street 4: The Broadway and Uxbridge Road

Proposals include adding signage throughout Southall Park to direct cyclists to nearby cycle lanes, extending the eastbound bus lane on Uxbridge Road, changing the crossing type along Green Drive and extending the barriers to separate cycle and traffic lanes along Uxbridge Road. Two of these ideas would require removal of existing parking in the area.

The key area of interest on this street proposed to extend the barriers to separate cycle and traffic lanes along Uxbridge Road. The cycling aspect of the idea was generally opposed as consultees felt that the cycle lane on Uxbridge Road is rarely used and causes delays to vehicle traffic. Feedback relating to the traffic aspect of the idea mainly focused on the loss of parking with some supporting the removal of parking along the road and some raising concern over the lack of enforcement of parking restrictions.

There were some additional suggestions to for this street which included reinstating a two-way lane on Uxbridge Road and another which suggested closing a traffic lane at the bridge and replacing it with a cycle lane.

General feedback

General feedback on the Get Southall Moving proposals covered a breadth of topics applicable across Southall. Feedback was mixed with levels of support and opposition to the scheme. Comments on the importance of reducing congestion were most prominent, as well as consideration for the needs of the community when travelling in Southall. Additional suggestions were given for changes to Southall’s roads and travel network across a range of topics. Most frequently, respondents proposed ideas for more parking spaces and enforcement of parking restrictions, more regular street cleaning and provision of bins to improve the area, improvements to road and pavement surfaces, and wider ideas to improve traffic flow, among others.

Several suggestions were made to reconsider the consultation process to generate more meaningful engagement with the community.