A non-dependant is someone aged 18 or over who lives in your home or is using your home as a main residence other than on a commercial basis but is not:
- Your husband/wife/partner/civil partner
- A child that you are receiving child benefit for
- Someone jointly liable to pay rent and/or council tax with you.
An example of a non-dependant would be a grown up son/daughter or other relative.
Will my benefit be affected?
We may have to reduce your benefit for each non-dependant who is living with you. This reduction is called a non-dependant deduction and the amount is based upon income bands set by the government for housing benefit and pensioners receiving council tax reduction, but for working age customers getting council tax reduction the amount is set by the council. The amount of deduction will depend on the non-dependant’s income.
It is the gross income of the non-dependant that is taken into account, not the amount that they pay you. A non-dependant deduction will still be made even if they do not pay towards their keep.
No deduction for housing benefit is made for the following non–dependants:
- Where you or your partner is registered blind or treated as blind or you or your partner get disability living allowance (care) or attendance allowance.
- Under the age of 25 who are in the assessment phase (first 13 weeks) of ESA(IR).
- Under the age of 25 who are in receipt of jobseekers allowance (income based) or income support.
- In receipt of guarantee or savings credit.
- Aged 25 or more and in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance (income based), income support or ESA(IR) main or who are in the assessment phase for council tax reduction .
- Under the age of 25 who are in receipt of Universal credit without any earned income.
- Non-dependants who are students (but in housing benefit cases only there is a deduction in the summer holiday if the claimant and any partner are under state pension age and the student works).
- Receiving a work based training allowance.
- In prison for more than 13 weeks.
- Whose home is elsewhere.
- Who have been in hospital for more than 52 weeks.
- Who fall into a disregarded category for council tax purposes.
No deduction for council tax redution is made for the following non–dependants:
- Where you or your partner is registered blind or treated as blind or you or your partner get disability living allowance (care) or attendance allowance.
- Non-dependants who are students (but in housing benefit cases only there is a deduction in the summer holiday if the claimant and any partner are understate pension age and the student works).
- Receiving a work based training allowance.
- In prison for more than 13 weeks.
- Whose home is elsewhere.
- Who have been in hospital for more than 52 weeks.
- Who fall into a disregarded category for council tax purposes.
Changes in a non-dependant’s circumstances
You must let us know if there is a change in your non-dependant's circumstances. For example:
- Someone moves in or out of your home as this may affect your benefit.
- A non-dependant starts or changes a job or has an increase or decrease in their earnings or income.
- Someone over the age of 18 stops full time education.
Proof of a non-dependant’s income
Proof of the non-dependant’s income is required unless you or your partner fall into one or more of the following categories:
- In receipt of the care component of disability living allowance.
- Receiving attendance allowance.
- Registered blind.
Types of proof
Until we see proof of your non-dependant’s income, we will make the highest deduction from your benefit entitlement. Proof of income examples include:
- Wage slips.
- An employer's certificate of earnings.
- Award letter from the Benefits Agency.
- Accounts for self employed non-dependants.