Backdated claims

Backdating for working age people and pensioners

If you are of working age we may be able to backdate your claim for housing benefit up to six months from the date of receiving your written request. Since 1 April 2016 backdating is limited to a maximum of one month.

If you have reached state pension credit age we may be able to treat your claim as if you had made a claim three months earlier

Special rules apply to men who have reached but have not reached state pension age.  If they or their partner receive income support or income based job seekers allowance they are treated under the working age rules above.

Do this at the same time you are making your new claim.

You will need to supply documentary proof of your income and savings for the period you are asking to be backdated.  

What happens next

We will decide if your reasons are good enough to backdate your housing benefit. We will notify you in writing of our decision.

Sometimes we may need to write to you for more information to help us make a decision.  The more information and evidence you provide to support your claim at the time that you request backdating, the more quickly we will be able to make a decision.

What if we decide not to backdate your housing benefit

If we decide that you have not shown good cause and that your claim cannot be backdated, we will write to you and explain why.

If you are not satisfied with our decision you can ask us to look at your backdating request again or you can appeal against it. You must write to us within one calendar month of the date of our decision notice stating your reasons why you disagree.