Pre-application advice

Pre-application advice process

Formal pre-application advice is in relation to increasing units or floorspace. Please follow the instructions below.

If you require advice on householders, simple change of uses, shopfronts etc, please book a planning appointment using this online form

Information required for formal pre-application advice

To request a formal pre-application meeting, email:

Your request should be accompanied with:

  • a covering letter detailing your proposal
  • completed pre-application instruction form
  • a site location plan
  • information about the existing use, floor space, occupation and number of car parking spaces on the site
  • drawings and photographs to describe the site and building(s) as they currently exist
  • photographs of the immediate surroundings
  • two full sets of drawings to describe the proposal
    • to assist in sending out this information to other officers, an electronic copy may be requested
  • receipt of payment or cheque covering the pre-application fee
  • your contact address, email and telephone number.

It is also advisable to look at the planning policies in the Local plan

The full fee is needed before any meeting can be scheduled.

Payment security: To protect your data and provide a higher level of security, you will need to use the following browser versions (or above) to make payments: Chrome 30; Android 4.4; Firefox 24; Internet Explorer 8; Opera 17; Safari 7 with OSX 10.9; Safari mobile IOS 5. Please upgrade your browser if you need to.


On receipt of the complete package of information, we will contact you to set up a meeting with the relevant officers. Those attending the meeting will be selected depending on the scale and nature of the proposal, the location of the site and the likely issues it raises. 

We aim to arrange a meeting within two weeks of receiving your request. Meetings are arranged each week, usually on Thursdays at 2pm and 3.30pm.

You must provide the name and job title of each attendee.  Any documents you wish to discuss at the meeting must be provided at least five working days before the meeting. 


We aim to send you a written summary of he points discussed at the meeting within 21 working days of the meeting. If it is not possible to provide you with a response within this timeframe, we will contact you to agree a revised date.