Havelock Estate


Havelock estate is located in Southall. It was built in the 1950s and 1970s and has a total of 845 homes.

The council’s 2008 estates review highlighted that Havelock estate needs a lot of work to address the improvements needed to bring it up to the government's Decent Homes standard.

The review identified the following issues at the estate:

  • problems with construction and design of different housing types on the estate
  • resident satisfaction is low
  • anti-social behaviour and poor security
  • overcrowding

The estate is made up of different types of housing, each with different building problems.  There is only one access route in and out of the estate with limited transport links and access to local shops.

Following a public meeting in June 2008, it was agreed that redevelopments should be explored further. This led to a developer selection process being approved, which began in October 2010.