Report illegal street trading
You can report the illegal sale of goods or services on the street. You can also report a business that is not keeping to the terms of its street trading licence.
Before you start
Do not use this form to report a car for sale, that is parked on the road.
You will need
- The name of the business you are reporting
- The address or location of the business you are reporting.
Uploading supporting documents
We may ask you to upload some documents. For example, a photo.
- Accepted file types: Word (docx), Acrobat (pdf), Excel (xlsx), Plain text (txt)
- Zip files can't be uploaded
- We also accept photos taken on phones and tablets and the following image file types - jpeg, gif, png
- There is a maximum individual file size per document of 50MB.
What happens next
We will look into this within five working days. If the business does not have a valid street trading licence, they may be fined. We will contact you if we need more information. We will not tell anyone that you reported this.
This form should take approximately five minutes to complete.