A greener, healthier and safer borough

Ealing is a well-connected borough, with great road and rail connections to London, Heathrow and beyond. But the way we travel - especially short car journeys - is causing congestion, air pollution, noise and carbon emissions. This affects the health and wellbeing of people who live, work and study in our borough.

If we want to keep Ealing green, healthy and safe for everyone, we need to work together to change the way we travel around the borough.

Why choosing active and sustainable transport matters

Active and sustainable modes of transport are convenient, improve our health, save us money and have a positive impact on the environment.

The more people who choose to walk, wheel, cycle, and use public transport, the safer Ealing's roads will be, with cleaner air,  and easier to navigate for those who rely on motor vehicles for mobility or caring needs.

Active and sustainable modes of transport include walking, cycling, scooting, wheeling and running. Sustainable modes of transport include public transport and electric vehicles (cars, bikes and scooters).

What Ealing Council is doing to help

As well as working on a new transport strategy for the borough, we are investing in a programme that will repurpose and improve public spaces in your neighbourhoods to make it easier, safer and more enjoyable to choose active and sustainable modes of transport when possible.

1. Easier and safer cycling

2. Greener, safer and more pleasant streets:

3. Safe, active and sustainable travel to school:

4. Improving roads, street lighting and drainage  

5. More access to e-scooters and e-bikes

6. Installing more electric vehicle charging points