Ealing Safeguarding Adults Board (ESAB)

Role of the board

ESAB is a statutory body established by the Care Act 2014. It is made up of senior people from organisations that have a role in preventing the neglect and abuse from adults.

Its main objective is to protect all adults in its area who have needs for care and support and who are experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect against which they are unable to protect themselves because of their needs.

Our statement of purpose

We strongly believe that working in partnership together across our agencies provides a strong foundation to protect and promote individual human rights so that adults stay safe and are protected from abuse, neglect, discrimination, or poor treatment. We are clear that this may mean working across partnerships and have fostered an approach that draws together work with the children’s safeguarding partnership, the Ealing Learning Partnership and safer communities.

Terms of reference for the Board meeting and associated subgroups

Annual reports

ESAB Quality Assurance Framework 2021-24

Board member partner agencies

  • West London NHS Trust
  • NHS Ealing CCG
  • London Community Rehabilitation Company
  • Healthwatch
  • London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Metropolitan Police
  • London Fire Brigade
  • London Ambulance Service
  • The Advocacy Project

Partner agency self-audit assurance