Useful resources for professionals

Safeguarding Adults Reviews

Multi-agency self neglect toolkit

Guides and policies

NHS resources

Missing Persons Dementia Framework

Herbert Protocol

Safe spaces

Resources for supporting survivors of church-related abuse, including a briefing paper, leaflets and posters.

Support services

London Fire Brigade - fire safety


Proud to Care London promotional video

The Board are proud to support the London Voices work surrounding people with lived experience of safeguarding across London.

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board launched ‘Tricky Friends’ –  three minute animation developed to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do

Understanding the barriers to building trust and compassion within mental health services - a series of short videos developed in collaboration with those who have accessed services.

During Race Equality week, the key theme arising from our safe space explorations was trust. In order to better understand the barriers to building trust and compassion within mental health services we have developed in partnership with people who have accessed services five short videos covering:

  • Taboo
  • Fear
  • Humanity
  • Services
  • Personal responsibility.

New animation ‘Think COULD’ supports individuals with learning disabilities in the justice system