My Account registration FAQs

Registering for your new account

What information will I need to register for a new account?

It's quick and easy to register. You will need to tell us your name and email address to register for a new account. You will be asked to set up a password as part of the registration process and verify your email address. You will then be asked to fill out a profile page and make some choices about how we may contact you.

Watch how to log in and access your account

Do I need to do anything else to manage my council tax and housing benefits online?

You will need to validate your account:

  1. Log into your new My Account using your email address and password. 
  2. Select 'What service are you looking for?'
  3. Click 'Council Tax' from the drop down list 
  4. Then under 'Request it', select 'View your council tax account'
  5. On the next screen under 'View your council tax account', select 'Tell us who you are' 
  6. You will then be asked for your full name and council tax account number.
  7. When you have entered these you will be asked to answer some security questions.
  8. Enter your full postcode and your unique online key (shown on council tax bill, reminder notice, summons -  if you cannot find it contact the My Account support team by telephone 020 8825 7733 – Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.)
  9. You will then be able to access your online account.

The form is not accepting my name. What should I do?

  • You will need to insert your name exactly as shown on your bill. If you have not received a bill, please contact the council tax team.  

Other transactions

Find out what other transactions you can carry out.

Still have a question?

  • Check the help page.
  • For any other My Account issues, please contact the My Account support team by telephone 020 8825 7733 – Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.