Rubbish collections

Other non-collectable items

The council does not collect certain items in household rubbish:

Type of item What to do with them


Requires specialist removal. Check your yellow pages to organise a private collection.


Metal boilers can be disposed of as scrap metal at a reuse and recycling centre

Building and DIY supplies (bricks, builders rubble, concrete, earth, sand, gravel)

These should be taken to a reuse and recycling centre, charges may apply.

Cast iron baths

These should be taken to a reuse and recycling centre

Chemical storage tanks

Collection of these should be arranged through City of London. The tank will need to be wrapped in 1000 gauge polythene and ground floor level. Arrange your collections through the City of London website or arrange a collection over the phone 020 7332 3433.

Dead domestic pets

Should be taken to your veterinarian for disposal.

Oils (lubrication oils or greases, heating oils, cooking oils)

Large quantities of cooking oils can be disposed of by contacting Heap Oils on 01895 824 252.

Engine oil

These should be taken to a reuse and recycling centre. Alternatively, engine oil only can be placed in a plastic bottle clearly labelled as 'engine oil' and put on top of or beside your blue wheelie bin for recycling.

Tins of paint

These should be taken to a reuse and recycling centre

Garden waste

Please subscribe to the garden waste service, or take garden waste to a reuse and recycling centre

Electrical and electronic items

Large items should be taken to a reuse and recycling centre or you can request a bulky waste or reuse collection.

Small items should be taken to electrical recycling bins in the borough.