Timed rubbish and recycling collections

Timed collections mean bags are on the street for less time, streets are cleaner and a reduction of illegally dumped waste.

Timed collections sets specific time slots when waste and recycling may be put out for collection. This includes all business and residential waste in the affected areas.

To avoid a fine please follow these simple rules:

Residential waste and recycling

  • Only put out your waste and recycling during the scheduled times
  • Securely close all bags so they do not spill
  • Place all recyclable items in the clear sacks that are provided
  • Request a bulky collection for larger household items or take them to your local reuse and recycling centre

Business waste and recycling

  • Make sure that your waste is collected by a registered waste provider
  • Only put out your waste and recycling inside the scheduled times
  • Put your waste in the branded bags or bins supplied by your registered waste provider
  • Bundle any cardboard securely


Because the scheme sets specific time slots when bags and bins may be put out for collection, our enforcement team will check the rules are followed.

If you put your waste or recycling out for collection on the pavement, outside the stated times, you may get a fine (fixed penalty notice) under sections 33, 47 or 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

If the fine is unpaid, then legal proceedings will be filed against you.

Time bands

Present your waste within the following time frames.

West businesses: Southall (Northfield Avenue)

  • Mornings: 5am to 6am
  • Evenings: 7pm to 8pm

East businesses: Northfield Avenue (The Vale)

  • Mornings: 6am to 7am
  • Evenings: 6pm to 7pm