Ealing Prevent

What is radicalisation?

Radicalisation means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities.

Prevent will deal with various types of radicalisation. 

Behaviours to look out for

Certain behaviours can often be seen as signs of extremism, including:

  • being influenced or controlled by a group or individual
  • an obsessive or angry desire for change or something to be done
  • spending an increasing amount of time online and sharing extreme views on social media
  • experiencing a personal crisis
  • needing identity, meaning, and belonging
  • looking to blame others
  • wanting status and needing to dominate
  • lacking tolerance of other faiths and beliefs

If someone is displaying these behaviours, it does not necessarily mean they are being radicalised, as there can be other reasons behind these behaviours. If you are worried, act early and reach out for help to discuss your concerns.

Our experience shows that some of these behaviours and vulnerabilities can increase a person's vulnerability to exploitation.

More information

Action Counters Terrorism has more information about the signs of radicalisation and what to look for.