UKSPF open call for high street events

Eligibility and selection criteria

Event proposals must

  • be new
  • be family friendly
  • promote equality, diversity and inclusion
  • be held in a prominent location within 1 or more high street and town centre location
  • be free to attend
  • appeal and attract a wide audience with the potential to increase usual footfall levels
  • be supported by local businesses (endorsed by at least 3 traders within the proposed event location area)
  • take place for a minimum of 5 hours, during usual local business opening hours
  • involve at least 1 local volunteer
  • not promote any political or religious agenda

The applicant must

  • be over the age of 16
  • either work or live in the borough
  • be submitting the application on behalf of an established group or event organiser

We are looking for proposals from locally established and constituted groups including:

  • voluntary organisations
  • constituted groups or clubs
  • business improvement districts (BIDs)
  • traders associations
  • residents associations
  • registered charities
  • charitable incorporated organisations
  • not for profit companies
  • community interest companies
  • schools
  • community benefit societies

Individuals interested in putting forward proposals would be encouraged to approach and team up with an existing group or event organiser who can send the proposal on their behalf.

If you are an unconstituted group and your application is successful, we will work with you to prepare a temporary constitution. This will help you set out roles and responsibilities, make decisions about the event, and manage any funding. It would only be for the duration of your event.

Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of council officers and members and scored based on the criteria below.


The extent to which your proposal delivers against one or more of the objectives above weighting 40%.


The extent to which your proposal provides volunteering and training opportunities for those involved weighting 10%.


The extent to which your proposal is deliverable, including a cost breakdown and risk assessment weighting 30%.


The extent to which your proposal is inclusive and accessible for different groups with protected characteristics weighting 20%.


A panel will review and consider all proposals and we will get back to all applicants with details of the outcomes on or before 21 March 2024.