Professional dog walking in parks

If you are paid to walk dogs, you need to have a permit to use our parks. A paid dog walker is allowed to walk up to six dogs. 

If you walk your dogs without a permit, you could get a £100 on the spot fine (also known as a penalty charge notice). 

Dog walking permit helps to make sure:

  • the parks and wildlife are protected
  • access to the public is maintained
  • insurance arrangements are in place
  • our parks are well kept and preserved
  • health and safety standards and best industry practice are followed

Our professional dog walking permits run from 1 April to 31 March each year.  


  • new applicants or changes to existing permit: 10 weeks before the start date
  • renew an existing permit with no changes: 4 weeks before the start date 

This means that you will need to re-apply by February for a permit renewal starting 1 April each year.

Fees and charges     

  • the yearly permit fee per applicant or named dog walker is £200 plus VAT 
  • there is no charge for a permit for a charity walker
  • replacement charge for a lost permit is £20

List of dog walking fees and charges

Apply for a professional dog walking permit