Professional dog walking fees and charges
Permit fee
£213.60 per dog walker, yearly rate.
The permit period runs from 1 April to end March yearly.
Where the applicant is an organisation with multiple dog walkers, one permit is needed per dog walker.
Fees are subject to VAT and are payable upon acceptance of application.
Discounts and negotiated rates
£213.60 for 12 months
The fee will be calculated from the date you wish to start operating on a monthly pro rata basis.
All discounts and pro rata rates will be at the discretion of the assistant director for leisure.
Supplementary fees and charges
The applicant will be advised of supplementary charges in writing. Where possible final fees will be provided but in some cases an estimation or quote will be given.
All supplementary fees are subject to VAT and are payable upon invoice.
Officer time fees
- Monday to Friday: £38.57 per hour
- Sundays and bank holidays: £77.14 per hour
Additional officer time is charged at the discretion of the assistant director for leisure. In the interest of safety, on site management or monitoring or for complex, large scale applications, where further work is needed.
Fees may be charged for reinstatement works or costs incurred by the council because of a hire. An additional 15% admin fee may apply.
Examples include
- nuisance fly posting or left litter or refuse
- ground damage requiring reinstatement by the council
- officers called out to site out: See 'officer time'
Lost keys
£100 per set of keys
An advance deposit may be needed at the discretion of the event service where there are increased risks. The deposit will be returned following the activity period, less reinstatements incurred. Any additional charges will be invoiced separately.