Holding an event

Holding an event in a park or on the street

Every year the Ealing borough hosts a culturally diverse and varied calendar of events. These include funfairs, circuses, street parties, carnivals, processions, community and commercial events. You need to get the council’s permission to hold an event in the borough’s parks and open spaces, or on the streets.

Our events service is available to help guide you through the process. If you are new to organising events or would just like to talk through your ideas, please read the information provided and then get in touch if you have further questions by emailing ealing@theeventumbrella.com.

What is an event?

Events are defined as:

  • a gathering of 50 or more persons
  • where infrastructure is brought to site
  • where activities are proposed (licensable or other) which may be considered as an event eg, music, catering, or coordinated activities

More information can be found in our events policy.

There is a separate process for:

Application process

Our event application stages flowchart explains the stages of the process and full details can be found in our supporting events policy.

This process is for the use of council owned or managed land, for the purpose of holding an event. It is applicable for events taking place in the borough's parks and open spaces, or on the highways.

Additional applications will be required for any associated licences and street trading, or where traffic orders or parking restrictions apply.

Make an initial enquiry

We need to check that your proposal is viable before asking you to make a formal application. For example, we need to be sure that:

  • you are applying through the correct process
  • the land you want to use is managed by the leisure service
  • the land you wish to hire is available on your proposed dates
  • your proposal can be considered in line with our events policy

Please email the event service with the following information:

  1. A few sentences to introduce yourself/your company and your experience in delivering similar events.
  2. A site map showing proposed site layout and location (and/or route map where applicable).
  3. An overview of proposed activities that will be taking place at the event.
  4. A summary of any proposed infrastructure to be brought to site (eg, two marquees, 20 gazebos, five toilets, one stage)
  5. Event dates and times including both the construction and open phases (must include arrival/open/close/offsite dates and opening times).
  6. Anticipated attendance: maximum expected per day (daily) and maximum expected at any one time (peak).
  7. Event ticket fees (if applicable).

Application deadlines 

The completed application form and supporting documentation (including site plan, risk assessment and insurance documentation) must be submitted as follows: 

Scale of event Application deadline
Small (up to 499 daily attendance) Minimum 10 weeks prior to proposed event date
Medium (500 to 4999 daily attendance) Minimum 10 weeks prior to proposed event date
Large (5000-9999 daily attendance) Minimum 26 weeks prior to proposed event date
Major (10,000 plus daily attendance) Minimum 26 weeks prior to proposed event date
Complex (See events policy) Minimum 26 weeks prior to proposed event date

Fees and charges 

There will be fees and charges associated with an event application. The fees applicable to your specific event will be confirmed upon acceptance of your application.

How to apply

Apply to hold a park or street event