On contacting adult social care yourself, or by being referred for example by your GP, it may be decided that you would benefit from an assessment.
An assessment will be offered where a more in-depth conversation is required to fully understand your needs and identify the best options to support you.
An assessment will be tailored to your needs and can be done in a number of ways, the most common types of assessment are:
Initial conversation
Whether for yourself or on behalf of someone else, this is your starting point when contacting the council. During an initial conversation we will ask you a number of questions to understand:
- the goals you want to achieve
- recognise your own strengths
- your links to the community, family and friends around you
- encourage you to make your own decision and informed choices.
This conversation will help to determine the best way to support you. You will be given advice on how to access support locally and how to prevent or reduce your care needs. If it is decided that your would qualify for support from the council, you will be referred for the appropriate assessment.
Social care assessment
During an initial conversation it might be decided that you would benefit from a social care assessment. This is an in-depth assessment, carried out in your home, that will determine your care and support needs and whether you would be eligible for support from the council. Anyone is entitled to ask us for this full social care assessment.
When assessing your needs, we will consider what you can do for yourself and how together we can maximise your independence and wellbeing and support you to achieve the outcomes you want.
If we find that you meet the eligibility criteria threshold and have eligible needs, then we will work out a support plan with you. The support plan will also help to consider how you can make use of other support in your community such as voluntary organisations. If you are not eligible you will receive information, advice and tailored recommendations to help you.