Biodiverse front gardens and balconies competition

Complete this form to enter a competition looking for the most biodiverse front gardens, balconies and outdoor spaces in the borough. 

The deadline for entries is 11:59pm on 14 July 2024. 

Before you start

Entry is free and open to anyone that lives in Ealing borough. 

The entry must be a front garden or balcony that can be seen from the pavement or a communal garden. 

Read more about the competition categories on ActForEaling

Read the terms and conditions 

For details on how Ealing Council processes personal data, read our privacy notice.

You will need

  • 3 photos of your garden, including one close-up of a special feature and two wider shots of the garden
  • if entering the driveway transformation, you need 3 photos before and 3 after
  • description of your entry, including details like how long you have had the garden, time it takes to maintain and what makes it wildlife friendly

What happens next

A panel of judges will create a shortlist for each category and then visit in person to decide the winners. 

We will email you if you win.