Contact the register office

Use this form to register a birth, book a registrar to attend your marriage ceremony in a religious building or cancel an appointment or ceremony. 

If you have not been able to get through to us on the phone, you can also use this form to ask us to call you. 

Before you start

Do not use this form to make a complaint.

You may find the information you need is already online. Read our births, deaths and marriages pages.

All appointments and services need to be booked online. Unfortunately, we cannot book an appointment for you, except when registering a birth that took place in Ealing or booking a registrar to attend your marriage ceremony at a religious building in Ealing borough.

We will only call you if you have told us what help or information you need. 

For details on how Ealing Council processes personal data, read our privacy notice

You will need

For birth queries:

  • date and place of birth

For cancellations:

  • reference number (if known)
  • date and time of ceremony or appointment

Uploading supporting documents

You will be able to upload some documents, for example vows for a ceremony. 

  • Accepted file types: Word (doc, docx), Acrobat (pdf), OpenDocument text (odt) Plain text (txt, rtf) 
  • We also accept photos taken on phones and tablets and the following image file types: bmp, gif, jpeg, png  
  • Zip and Excel (xls) files cannot be uploaded 

What happens next

Please make a note of your form reference number. This will make it easier for us to check progress, if you contact us. 

We will email you the information you ask for, when it is available. 

If you have asked us to call you, we will arrange to call you within 4 working days. 

Filling in the form 

This form should take about 3 minutes to complete.

The form cannot be saved and each page will time out after 20 minutes. If you think you will need more time, prepare your answers before you start the form. This helps make sure your information is not lost. 

Copying and pasting answers into a form can cause an error. If pasted from Microsoft Word or PDF, these characters may show an error -.,'"£#:;=/\()?&+@!