Reablement is a home based support service that works with you to achieve specific goals with everyday tasks. These goals could be around:
- Washing and dressing
- Meal preparation, nutrition and hydration
- Moving around your home
- Using the toilet
A reablement carer will work with you, at home, for up to six weeks to support you in achieving your goals, reviewing your progress.
When would I benefit from reablement?
Reablement is suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities, as long as they are able to engage in the activities and work towards a set of clear goals.
Many people find reablement beneficial after a recent change in their lives. This could be because of:
- Illness or injury
- A change in where or who you live with
- A recent stay in hospital
In addition to reablement many people also access equipment and community support that allows them to be more independent.
How do I access reablement?
To access reablement you need to:
- already be in receipt of support from adult social sare
- be referred for social care input on discharge from hospital
- contact the social care customer contact centre on 020 8825 8000 to find out if reablement would be suitable for you.
Reablement is fully funded by Ealing Council, to promote your independence and reduce your need for ongoing support services.