Advice and support
Help with finding work - Ealing Council’s employment, learning and skills team offers practical support to those looking for a new or better job.
Help with training -The council’s adult learning team can help you with CV writing and interview preparation, improving your skills and qualifications, health and wellbeing and even manage your finances better.
Work clubs - drop in sessions to provide help with training and finding work are held during school term time at 10am to 2pm on Thursday at Northolt Library and 10am to 2pm on Friday at Ealing Library.
Multiply numeracy skills - develop better numeracy skills and become more independent and confident in dealing with money matters.
Shaw Trust – Works alongside local communities to provide employment support and helping people to access the right jobs for them.
Job lists
Council jobs - Find out what job opportunities there are working for Ealing Council.
Apprenticeship scheme - Information about apprenticeships at the council.
Action West London - A local charity providing employment, education and enterprise projects for young people and adults.
Financial support
Flexible support fund for job seekers - Job Centre Plus may be able to offer you a flexible support fund to help towards costs of finding employment.
Get 50% off travel costs - If you are unemployed and looking for work you could be entitled to free or discounted travel on the Transport for London Network.
Help with travel costs - If you are eligible you can get a travel discount card from Job Centre Plus.
Help for students - If you are a parent who wants to study or train, you may be able to get help paying for childcare while you study.