The Gambling Act 2005 repeals the Lotteries & Amusements Act 1976 and re-introduces the Local Authority system for registration of small societies (raffles, 100 club type draws etc). The changes started from 1 September 2007.
Large non-commercial Society lotteries are administered by the Gambling Commission, and not the Local Authority.
Transitional arrangements From 01 September 2007 registrations under the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976 will be automatically converted into a registration under the Gambling Act 2005. There will be no re-issued documents for this, but the 2005 Act provisions and offences will apply to societies from this date.
- ‘Renewals' to take effect from 01 January 2008 will be under the 2005 Act and societies need only send the annual fee of £20 to continue their registration.
There are no renewal forms to complete, as registrations now have no expiry date. However, outstanding 1976 Act returns forms should still be submitted as usual. - Societies applying for a first registration after 01 September 2007 will need to apply for registration under the full terms of the 2005 Act.
- The first annual fee (£20) for existing registered societies will become due on 01 January 2008. This MUST be paid within 2 months of the due date or else the registration will lapse.
- The fee payable with an initial application for registration is £40.
Small Lotteries guidance GA2005
Small Lotteries application form
Please print out the relevant form, complete it and post to:
Licencing team, regulatory services, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL
Telephone: 020 8825 6655