Car parks and other visitor information

Car park charges, spaces and opening times

Details of council-run car parks in the borough including charges, spaces and opening hours

Car Park Ref

Name and address

Designation of spaces

Parking tariff

Days and hours during
which restrictions apply

Open 24 Hours?

Season ticket cost

WE01 Arden Road - Surface West Ealing W13 8RP PayByPhone: 37218 27 x Regular Bays 2 x Disabled Bays 3 x Motorcycle Bays Between £1.05 and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES £525 Annual Permit
STH01 Featherstone Terrace - Surface Southall UB2 5AL PayByPhone: 37216 133 x Regular Bays 7 x Disabled Bays 3 X Electric Charging Bays Between 84p and £1.60 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES £280
H01 George Street – Surface Hanwell W7 3TA PayByPhone: 37215 83 x Regular Bays 3 x Disabled Bays 1 x Motorcycle Bay Between 84p and £1.60 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table” 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES £250
G01 Greenford Broadway – Surface Greenford UB6 9PY PayByPhone: 37214 149 x Regular Bays 10 x Disabled Bays 3 x Motorcycle Bays Between 84p and £1.60 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES £250
STH03 Herbert Road MSCP Herbert Road Southall UB1 1LH PayByPhone: 37213 243 x Regular Bays 19 x Disabled Bays 2 x Lifts Between £1.05 and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun NO 08.00 - 22.30 £500 Annual Permit
£200 Quarterly Permit
WE05 Maitland Yard Car Park – West Ealing W13 9DA PayByPhone: 37201 11 x Regular Bays 7 x Shared use bay 2 x Loading Bays Between £1.05 and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES Not available
STH04 Norwood Road 1: Surface Southall UB2 4JT PayByPhone: 37212 35 x Regular Bays 4 x Disabled Bays 2 x Motorcycle Bays Between 84p and £1.60 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES Not available
P01 Perivale Station - Surface Perivale UB6 8LE PayByPhone: 37210 100 x Regular Bays 6 x Disabled Bays 1 x Motorcycle Bay Between 70p and £1.40 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sat YES £500 Annual Permit
£200 Quarterly Permit
E01 Perceval House - Surface Longfield Avenue Ealing W5 2UQ PayByPhone: 37209 85 x Regular Bays 6 x Disabled Bays Between 70p and £1.40 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. Permit Holders Mon-Fri Public Car Park after 6pm weekdays (free)
All day Sat & Sun 8am to 6pm
YES Not available
A02 Salisbury Street – Surface Acton W3 8NW PayByPhone: 37208 62 x Regular Bays 4 x Disabled Bays 4 x Motorcycle Bays 1 x Car Club Between £1.05 and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES £750* Annual Permit
£300 Quarterly Permit
WE03 Singapore Road –  Surface Ealing W13 0RJ 2 x Disabled Bays N/A – Free parking N/A YES Not available
E02 South Ealing Road – Surface Ealing W5 4QT PayByPhone: 37206 28 x Regular Bays 5 x Motorcycle Bays 2 x Disabled Bays Between £1.05p and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES Not available
E03 Springbridge Road - MSCP Ealing W5 2AB PayByPhone: 37205 465 x Regular Bays 8 x Disabled Bays 9 x Motorcycle Bays 9 x Parent & Child 2 x Lifts Between 70p and £1.40 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 7am to midnight Mon-Sun NO

£750 Annual
£300 Quarterly
(both permits 7 days a week)
WE04 Witham Road – Surface West Ealing W13 0TU PayByPhone: 37204 19 x Regular Bays 1 x Disabled Bay Between £1.05 and £2.10 per hour depending on emissions. See hourly tariff 2 in the next table”. 8am to 6pm Mon-Sun YES Not available


Emission based rates - Table 2a

Location name


Hourly tariff (see Table 2b)

Daily tariff (see table 2b)

Arden Road Car Park 37218 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
Dean Gardens Car Park 37217 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
Featherstone Terrace Car Park 37216 Hourly rate 3 Daily rate 3
George Street Car Park 37215 Hourly rate 3 Daily rate 3
Greenford Broadway Car Park 37214 Hourly rate 3 Daily rate 3
Herbert Road Multi Storey Car Park 37213 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
Maitland Yard Car Park 37201 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
Northolt Leisure Centre 37582 Hourly rate 1 Daily rate 7
Norwood Road Car Park 1 37212 Hourly rate 3 Daily rate 3
Perceval House Car Park 37209 Hourly payment not available -
Mon to Fri Hourly rate 2 - Sat to Sun
All day parking not available -
Mon to Fri Daily rate 1 - Sat to Sun
Perivale Station Car Park 37210 Hourly rate 2 Daily rate 3
Salisbury Street Car Park 37208 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
South Ealing Road Car Park 37206 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5
Southall Market Car Park * 37203 Hourly rate 3 Daily rate 4
Springbridge Road Multi Storey Car Park 37205 Hourly rate 2 - Mon to Sat
Hourly payment not available - Sun
All day parking not available -
Mon to Fri Daily rate 1 - Sat Daily rate 8 - Sun
Witham Road Car Park 37204 Hourly rate 4 Daily rate 5

* = Car Park temporarily closed due to development

Emission based Rates - Table 2a


Hourly rates

CO2 band 1,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 2,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 3,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 4,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 1,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 2,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 3,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 4,
NOX charge does apply

Hourly rate 1









Hourly rate 2









Hourly rate 3









Hourly rate 4









Hourly rate 5









Hourly rate 6









Daily rates

CO2 band 1,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 2,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 3,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 4,
NOX charge does not apply

CO2 band 1,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 2,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 3,
NOX charge does apply

CO2 band 4,
NOX charge does apply

Daily rate 1









Daily rate 2









Daily rate 3









Daily rate 4









Daily rate 5









Daily rate 6









Daily rate 7









Daily rate 8









Emissions information

Emissions band 1 (0g - 100g of CO2 emitted per km) 
Emissions band 2 (101g - 140g of CO2 emitted per km)
Emissions band 3 (141g - 185g of CO2 emitted per km)
Emissions band 4 (186g+ of CO2 emitted per km)

Nitrous Oxides (NOX) charge applies to vehicles using diesel that were manufactured before Euro Emissions Standard 6 was introduced.
We use DVLA and vehicle manufacturer data to determine the tariff. If your vehicle is not recognised, it will be charged at £1.40 per hour.