Electric vehicles and charging points

On-street electric vehicle charging point (EVCP) installation

How are locations selected? 

The locations proposed have been selected based on a range of criteria. For example, neighbourhoods where:

  • most residents must park on-street
  • there have been resident requests
  • there is currently limited access to charge points
  • data and modelling indicates demand is highest

All proposed locations must satisfy comprehensive electrical and road safety standards as well as meeting other legal requirements.

This may mean options are limited to relocate a proposed charge point. 

Who can use the charge points? 

To ensure the charge points are available for local people and do not encourage commuter parking, electric vehicle charging point (EVCP) that are installed in controlled parking zones (CPZ) are only available for CPZ permit holders to park alongside. 

Only electric vehicles plugged in and actively charging are permitted to park alongside.

This will ensure the charge points are not blocked by vehicles that don’t require charging, including fully charged vehicles. 

How long will it take for an EVCP to be installed? 

When a location is identified:

  • all residents within 50 metres will receive a letter inviting feedback on the proposals
  • after this, a statutory traffic management order (TMO) consultation is carried out when a public notice is placed at the location for a minimum of 28 days.
  • if a location is considered suitable after this consultation process, build and installation can begin

This process usually takes between 6 to 8 months. 

Do the charge points make a noise?

The charge points are silent even when plugged in and active.

Can I have a lamp post charger near my home?

We aim to provide a good mix of charging options.

We have a small number of lamppost chargers which were funded through specific government funding which is no longer available.

We are continuing to assess charging options and will keep residents updated if we are able to provide more lamppost charging in future.

Consultation feedback