The council needs to prepare and maintain an up to date information base on key aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the borough. The Local Plan evidence base helps in the preparation of sound and robust plans and shows how the council has developed strategies and policies in emerging Local Plan documents.
For an accessible version of the documents, email
Climate change and monitoring
- Delivering Net Zero – Summary Report (May 2023)
- Delivering Net Zero – Main Report (May 2023)
- Council's Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy (January 2021)
- Achieving greater carbon reductions on site (May 2020)
- Energy monitoring documents including monitoring cost calculator
- Greater London Authority (GLA) Energy Planning Guidance
Design guides and tall building guide
- Tall Buildings Strategy (February 2024)
- Housing Design Guide (November 2022)
- Ealing Character Studies Part 1 and Part 2 (January 2022)
Employment and economy
- West London Employment Land Review (August 2022)
- Industrious Ealing - Inclusive economy baseline (July 2022)
- Industrious Ealing - Workspace audit (July 2022)
- Industrious Ealing - Affordable workspace study (July 2022)
- Town centre health check 2021/2022 (July 2022)
- Southall Employment Audit (June 2022)
- Making Space: Accommodating London's Industrial Future (January 2022)
- West London Employment Land Evidence Report (May 2019)
Healthy lives
- Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement and Housing Trajectory (November 2023)
- Gypsy and traveller pitch provision site assessment (June 2023)
- Housing Supply topic paper (November 2022)
- Ealing Local Housing Needs Assessment Update (November 2022) (formerly known as SHMA - Strategic Housing Market Assessment)
- Small sites study (November 2018)
- Ealing Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (October 2018)
- West London Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (October 2018)
- West London Alliance Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation assessment (October 2018)
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - London wide (2017)
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part One: Infrastructure Baseline Report (February 2024)
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part Two: Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (February 2024)
- Ealing Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facility Strategy 2022-2031 (July 2022)
- Cultural infrastructure plan (2024)
Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)
- Integrated Impact Assessment - Non-Technical Summary, Reg 19 (February 2024)
- Integrated Impact Assessment, Reg 19 Report (February 2024)
Natural environment
- SINC Initial Report (February 2024)
- Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) Review Stage 2 (February 2024)
- Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) Review Stage 1 (November 2022)
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2 (January 2024)
- SFRA Level 2 Report, Appendix A (January 2024)
- SFRA Level 2 Report, Appendix B (January 2024)
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (May 2018)
Site allocations evidence
- Site selection report for Regulation 19 Local Plan Main Report (January 2024)
- Site selection report for Regulation 19 Local Plan Appendices A-D (January 2024)
- Site selection report for Regulation 19 Local Plan Appendix E: Results (January 2024)
- Site selection report for Regulation 18 Local Plan (November 2022)
Spatial strategies
- Ealing 20-minute neighbourhood framework (October 2024)
- Hanwell 20-minute neighbourhood framework (October 2024)
- Acton Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Ealing Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Greenford Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Hanwell Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Northolt Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Perivale Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Southall Regeneration Framework (February 2024)
- Preferred Option Report (November 2022)
- Greenford and Perivale 20-minute neighbourhood (November 2022)
- Northolt 20-minute neighbourhood (November 2022)
- Southall Reset - spatial planning framework (November 2022)
- Acton 20-minute neighbourhood (October 2022)