Supplementary planning guidance and documents

Draft SPDs awaiting adoption

What SPDs have been consulted upon and are awaiting adoption?

Arcadia Site

On 29 June 2012 the council consulted upon a draft SPD for an eight-week period relating to the Arcadia site (Ealing Metropolitan Town Centre) which primarily aims to establish some clear design objectives for one of the key redevelopment opportunities within Ealing Town Centre.

Legal Agreements

On the 27 March 2015 the council consulted on the Legal Agreements draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

This document explains Ealing’s approach, policies and procedures for the use of planning obligations. It has been prepared as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to support the policies in Ealing’s Local Plan. Ealing’s principal policy on planning obligations is Development Strategy Policy 6.4. The SPD will be brought forward for adoption, subject to consideration of representations received, in 2016.