Neighbourhood planning

What is neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood planning is a new right for communities introduced amongst other things through the Localism Act 2011. Communities can now prepare neighbourhood plans to influence the future of their areas. These allow communities to set out their vision for their local area and general planning policies to guide development in their neighbourhood.

A Neighbourhood Development Plan will become part of the local statutory development plan and will form the basis for determining planning applications in that area. They have to be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the local plan.

A Neighbourhood Development Order enables the community to grant planning permission for the development it wishes to see.

Central Ealing Neighbourhood Plan

The Central Ealing Neighbourhood Plan was approved at residential and business referenda on 12 October 2017 and now forms part of the Ealing development plan.

West Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Plan

The West Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Plan was approved at residential and business referenda on 3 May 2018 and now forms part of the Ealing development plan.