Neighbourhood Forums in Ealing
In areas without a parish or town council, local people will need to decide which organisation should produce a neighbourhood plan or development order. These can be existing community or business groups or local people forming a new group. In both cases they will need to be formally designated and must meet the basic conditions set out in the Localism Act 2011 and Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. This includes:
- Have at least 21 members.
- Being established to promote the well-being of the neighbourhood area.
- It must be open to new members.
- It must have a written constitution.
- It must have taken reasonable steps to secure membership from residents, business and local elected members across the neighbourhood area.
Please note that before a community or business groups can be formally designated as a Neighbourhood Forum it must first apply to the Local planning Authority for the proposed boundary of the Neighbourhood Plan area to be formally consulted upon and then designated first.
An application for Neighbourhood Forum designation must include a copy of the forum’s written constitution and a statement of how they will meet the conditions for designation as a neighbourhood forum set out in the Localism Act 2011. Please be aware that the Local Planning Authority must consult on the proposals for a minimum of six weeks and will invite representations.
In determining whether or not to designate a Neighbourhood Forum, the extent to which a prospective forum has included residents, business and local elected members from across the neighbourhood area will be one of the factors the LPA will consider in deciding whether to designate the group as the Neighbourhood Forum.
Be aware also that if a designation is made, no other organisation or body may be designated for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.
Once you have prepared the information above, please send your application to:
Steve Barton
Planning Policy Manager
Perceval House
4th Floor Planning Policy
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL