High hedges - complaining to the council
We have enforcement powers to assist residents with concerns about high hedges. If you ask for assistance you must provide evidence to show that you have attempted to resolve the problem with your neighbour.
Before taking any action, take note of the following areas not included in the legislation covering high hedges:
- hedges are not required to be limited to a height of two metres
- permission is not required to grow a hedge over two metres high
- action may not be taken when a hedge grows over two metres high
- your neighbour may not be ordered to reduce the height of their hedge
- single or deciduous trees are not covered
- the council cannot require that a hedge be removed
- access to uninterrupted light is not guaranteed
- Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) cannot be served for high hedges
If you need further advice about steps you can take, telephone the council's enforcement team on (020) 8825 6600.