Who cannot access the School Street
One of the aims of a School Street scheme is to significantly reduce the number of motor vehicles accessing the road(s) directly in front of a school, in order to create a safer environment and encourage more walking and cycling to school. This could not be achieved if a significant number of motor vehicles are granted an exemption to the School Street restriction, so it is important to manage exemptions only for cases that are necessary. The following examples are not exclusive and other types of driver/vehicle may not receive exemption.
Residents living near a School Street
Residents living outside of the designated School Street zone will not be exempt from the restrictions and will not be permitted to enter during operating times.
Businesses near to a School Street
Vehicles registered to businesses near a School Street zone will not be exempt from the restrictions and will not be permitted to enter during operating times.
General visitors to properties within the School Street zone will not be exempt from the restrictions, including those visiting the school. During restricted times visitors will need to make alternative arrangements, such as parking outside of the restricted zone.
Vehicles belonging to visitors that are already within the School Street before the times of operation will be able to leave without incurring a PCN.
Experiences from other councils have demonstrated that, while initial concerns were raised from residents regarding the lack of visitor permits, once the scheme was implemented the concerns raised by residents did not materialise. Additionally, it was found that due to the reduction in car usage by parents, parking became easier for visitors in areas in the immediate vicinity of the School Street.
Please note visitors can leave the area at any time. The restriction is for entry only.
Deliveries to properties within the School Street zone will not be exempt from the restrictions, including those delivering to the school. They can usually park legally nearby and walk the package to the property.
Many online retailers and delivery companies allow customers to provide notes to delivery drivers. The times of the School Street restrictions can be made aware to delivery drivers through that mechanism. Delivery vehicles, in particular goods vehicles, can cause specific issues due to their size and limited visibility. In dead end streets this causes greater safety concerns around children when the driver's have to perform manoeuvres to then exit the street. The impact on home deliveries is therefore considered small and acceptable.
School staff
Most staff are not exempt from the restrictions and will not receive permits for ANPR enforced schemes unless they are a blue badge holder. However it is recognised that some school staff have extra responsibilities that may mean they require a permit, such as first aid response. A limited number of staff permits are available and these will be allocated by the Headteacher. The Headteacher must apply for permits to allow access the School Street for allocated staff. All school staff can leave the area at any time.
Parent or carers of children at a school within the School Street
Parents or carers dropping children at school will not be exempt from the restrictions and are not allowed to enter the School Street in their vehicle.
They can enter the School Street if they or their child is a blue badge holder, or they are a resident of the designated School Street zone.
Is this scheme a way to penalise parents and ban driving to school?
No, it is a ban on driving just on designated streets around school. Parents who feel they need to drive will have to park legally nearby and walk the last part of the journey. If available, information will be provided on locations where parents can park, such as supermarket, leisure centre car parks or Park & Stride areas.
In Ealing, 84% of pupils live within one mile of their school. This is a 20-minute walk. 62% live within a 10-minute walk. At many schools, there are already a high proportion of pupils walking and cycling to school and a significant number of the vehicles travelling past the school are not school related traffic but are using the streets as a short cut on their journey.
Taxis will not be exempt from the restrictions and must be arranged outside of operational times.
Tradesmen will not be exempt from the restrictions and must not enter the closure during operational times. Please advise your tradesmen of the restriction times.