Send information to support a housing benefit and/or council tax reduction claim
If you are making a new claim, you must send all supporting documentation to us within one month of making your claim. The sooner you send the evidence the quicker we can help you.
Before you start
You may need to provide evidence:
- in support of a new claim - check the documents needed
- if there has been a change in your circumstances
- if we have written to you requesting information for other reasons.
Uploading supporting documents
You will be able to upload digital photos or scanned copies of your documents. Scans and photos should be clearly readable and displayed the correct way up (portrait).
- Accepted image file types: jpeg, gif, png.
- Accepted file types: Word (docx), Acrobat (pdf), Excel (xlsx), Plain text (txt).
- Zip files cannot be uploaded.
- There is a maximum individual file size per document of 50MB.
What happens next
If you provide an email address you will receive a confirmation receipt.
Changes which result in an increase in benefit which are reported more than a month after they occur, will usually only be taken into account from the Monday following the day you tell us.
You must report all changes of circumstance once you have made a claim as soon as possible otherwise you may be overpaid benefit which you will have to repay.
If you cannot upload documents, then you can post copies to Ealing Council, PO Box 32251, London W5 5XA. Remember to pay for postage. Do not send original documents since they will be treated as copies and will not be returned.
Problem getting the documents we need to see? If so, call us on 020 8825 7000 to tell us, or your claim will be delayed.