Existing council tenants

More bedrooms than you need?

  • Have your children moved out leaving your current home too big for you?
  • Are your heating bills rising?
  • Would you like to be nearer to your family in another part of the borough, or even in another part of the country?
  • Is your current home adapted for a disability but you now have no need for the adaptations?
  • Would you just like a smaller property to live in?

The under-occupier scheme is available to help those people whose homes are too large for them, move into a new property quickly and effortlessly. We will help you register to bid for a new property using the LOCATA scheme and, if you prefer, we will do the bidding for you. We may also help you on moving day by arranging your removals at no cost to you.

The benefits

  • Help registering and bidding for a new property.
  • Help arranging and possibly paying for a removals company, including all boxes for packing.
  • Help planning your moving day.
  • After you move, we will pay you £1000 for each bedroom you gave up. For example moving from three-bed property to a one-bed would give you £2000.
  • The money can be used in any way you choose. (If there are any arrears on your rent account, we will deduct this amount from your payment, to clear the rent account.)               
  • If you want to move out of London we can also help with the Seaside and Country Homes Scheme or Homefinder.

You can choose the type of accommodation and the area you wish to move to. You can move to a council property in the borough of Ealing, or a housing association property in Ealing or one of our partner boroughs (Brent, Hillingdon, Harrow,  Hounslow) or to a council or housing association property outside London. 

Moving to a smaller property can reduce your heating bills and time spent on housekeeping. If you have mobility difficulties, you may be able to move to a more suitable location such as a flat on the ground floor or with a lift, or a bungalow. We may also be able to arrange a connection to a community alarm system or help with moving this to your new property if you already have one.

You are eligible for the scheme if:

  • You are a secure tenant of a two, three or four bedroom property and you would like to move to a smaller property
  • You need adaptations to make your home more suitable for you and you agree to move to a property that is already adapted
  • Your home has adaptations which you no longer require.

A home visit can be arranged to discuss your housing requirements and the options available to you.

For further information, contact the housing initiatives team by email at housinginitiatives@ealing.gov.uk