Housing strategy

Homelessness strategy

View our Homelessness reduction strategy.

The Rough sleeping strategy complements our Homelessness reduction strategy.

For more information contact Lisa Watson, housing strategy and policy manager, email: watsonli@ealing.gov.uk

Private sector housing strategy

View the Private Sector Housing Strategy Executive Summary

The full Private Sector Housing Strategy sets out the council's approach, priorities and detailed plans over the next five years for private sector housing, including home ownership and private rented housing.

View our supporting information which has helped shape our priorities.

Empty property strategy

Our Empty Property Strategy sets out how we can bring empty properties back into use to improve the environment, reduce nuisance and increase the supply of decent and affordable housing for households in housing need.

Private sector housing condition survey

The Private Sector Housing Condition Survey combined a physical survey of the characteristics and condition of the property, as well as socio-economic information. It also estimates the cost of making homes decent, regardless of the source of funding. This survey will help inform our housing strategy,  and other strategic documents. It also helps us to target limited resources to those areas, properties and residents in greatest need.

Asset management strategy

This Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Asset Management Strategy (ASM) has been developed to inform the strategic medium and long term approach to our housing assets. It sets out our vision for the housing stock and sets key priorities for the maintenance and improvement of the housing stock and how Ealing will continue to meet the needs of the borough, as well as looking at the key drivers in managing our assets. It has been specifically designed to meet Ealing's planning needs under the self-financing arrangements resulting from HRA reform.