Residents survey

Residents survey 2023

The residents survey provides representative views of residents' satisfaction with the council, its services and the local area. The results from the survey inform the council's organisational improvements. It also recognises the contribution of residents, service users and communities in achieving the council's key themes and priorities.


Between November and December 2023, a representative sample of 1,259 Ealing residents (18 years and over) were interviewed by Lake Market Research, an independent research agency. Interviews were carried out face-to-face at the doorstep across the borough at randomly selected locations. Quotas were set by age, gender and ethnicity within each ward, and data was then weighted to make sure the results were representative of the borough’s population.

What you said

The results are representative of residents' views covering satisfaction with and attitudes towards the council, its services and the local area.

Further information

For more information, please contact the research and consultation team, email: