Ask for dockless bike hire parking

Use this form to suggest a new parking location for dockless e-bike hire.

For details on how Ealing Council processes personal data, read our privacy notice

You will need

Address of the location you wish to suggest.

What happens next

Suggested locations will be reviewed in partnership with e-bike hire operators. We will check they meet safety rules and user needs before setting up a new parking area.

Filling in the form 

This form should take about 2 minutes to complete. 

The form cannot be saved and each page will time out after 20 minutes. If you think you will need more time, prepare your answers before you start the form. This helps make sure your information is not lost. 

Copying and pasting answers into a form can cause an error. If pasted from Microsoft Word or PDF, these characters may show an error -.,'"£#:;=/\()?&+@!