Report an illegal outhouse or house in multiple occupation

Use this form to report a concern about an outbuilding or house in multiple occupation (HMO) in Ealing borough.

An illegal outhouse is a garage, shed or temporary garden structure that people live in without the council's permission. These outhouses are often poor quality and unsafe to live in. 

A HMO is a property rented out by at least three people who are not from one ‘household’ (for example a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen.

Before you start

Only report outhouses or HMOs in Ealing borough. We are not able to investigate anything outside of the borough.

It helps us if you can also give information about the people living there. 

For details on how Ealing Council processes personal data, read our privacy notice

You will need

  • property address
  • information about the people living there (if you know this)
  • your contact details for planning breaches (anonymous planning complaints are not investigated)
  • landlord name, contact details and address (if you are reporting your landlord)

Uploading supporting documents

If you have any photographs of the property or can give us a copy of any documents like a tenancy agreement, then please upload them. 

  • Accepted file types: Word (doc, docx), Acrobat (pdf), OpenDocument text (odt) Plain text (txt, rtf) 
  • We also accept photos taken on phones and tablets and the following image file types: bmp, gif, jpeg, png  
  • Zip and Excel (xls) files cannot be uploaded 

What happens next

We will investigate your complaint as soon as possible. 

Outhouse and HMO enforcement can take time, so it is not always possible to keep you up to date. 

If you have any questions, please email 

This form should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 

Each form page will time out after 20 minutes and cannot be saved.