Report fraud

Complete this form if you think someone is committing fraud against the council. 

You can also report fraud by phoning 0800 328 6453. 

Before you start 

You do not have to give your name or contact details unless you want to. 

We investigate fraud and corruption against the council, by members of the public, staff, partners or contractors, including:

  • housing fraud (applications, sub-letting, abandonment)
  • blue badge fraud
  • staff fraud
  • council tax fraud
  • business rate fraud
  • social care cost and grant claims
  • theft of council property

Do not complete this form to report housing benefit fraud. Report housing benefit fraud to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).   

For details on how Ealing Council processes personal data, read our privacy notice

You will need

Give as much information about the person or company you are reporting. This could include:

  • their name
  • their address
  • their contact details
  • the type of fraud you think they are committing

What happens next

We will look at the information you give us. We will not be able to tell you the results of the investigation.  

We will take action if we find the person or company has been committing fraud. Action can include removing someone’s benefits or taking them to court. 

Filling in the form 

This form should take about 10 minutes to complete.

The form cannot be saved and each page will time out after 20 minutes. If you think you will need more time, prepare your answers before you start the form. This helps make sure your information is not lost. 

Copying and pasting answers into a form can cause an error. If pasted from Microsoft Word or PDF, these characters may show an error -.,'"£#:;=/\()?&+@!