This consultation.has closed.
Transport for London (TfL) has a policy of no longer creating new sections of ‘Hail and Ride’ bus facilities and, where possible, to convert existing Hail and Ride sections to fixed stops.
Currently the bus route along The Common runs as a ‘Hail and Ride’ service where bus services are hailed at any location along a route. Fixed bus stops are preferable as they provide passenger accessibility and can be protected with bus stop ‘cages’, so that buses are physically able to pull up close to the kerb, assisting passengers to board or alight.
Moreover, a fatal accident occurred along The Common (between The Grove and Grange Road), raising concerns of road safety.
The council has developed proposals to convert the existing hail and ride section of route E11 into fixed stops and improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists
- a new southbound bus stop
- a new northbound bus stop
- a new raised parallel crossing to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclist and reduce vehicular speed
- accessibility measures
What impact will the proposals have?
There will be a loss of approximately 8 parking spaces in correspondence of the proposed bus stops, however, the bays being removed are not directly outside residential homes.
What are the benefits of the proposals?
- fixed stops provides better customer information and provides a certain location for passengers, which in particular benefits mobility, cognitive and visually impaired passengers. It is also easier to regulate bus services when there are formal bus stops. When the bus stops are installed, people will no longer be able to hail and ride on this section of route
- improved road safety for pedestrians a cyclists
- improved accessibility
Have your say by completing the online survey
The closing date for this consultation is 10 November 2024.
What happens next?
The responses to this consultation will be analysed and reported to your ward councillors and the Cabinet Member for Climate Action. A decision will then be taken regarding implementation of the scheme. If the scheme is approved, the design may be changed based on the feedback received during this consultation.
Before implementation, the council is required to carry out a 21 day statutory consultation. This involves notices being placed on posts and lamp columns in the proposed area and the publication of the notice within the Ealing Gazette. This process provides the public with a further opportunity to comment on the proposals.The results of this consultation will be published online at
Further information
If you require a paper survey or further information, please contact us:
post: Highway Services, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, W5 2HL
telephone: 020 8825 5000