Bus journey times on Ruislip Road - transport and highways improvements

This consultation has now closed.

Why we are proposing changes

The council is working hard to keep our borough green, healthy and safe for everyone. We are investing heavily in your neighbourhoods to make it easier, safer and much more enjoyable to choose active and sustainable modes of transport. This does not mean getting rid of cars, but we can all work together to cycle, walk, wheel, e-scoot or take public transport when we can. This means enjoying the health and financial benefits, but also making a significant and positive step towards tackling the climate crisis.

What we are proposing

We want to make travelling by public transport easier and more efficient by improving bus journey times and making the roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Transport for London (TfL) identified several roads in Ealing which had capacity to improve bus journey times, in line with TfL’s target of 25km of new bus lanes by 2025. 

Ruislip Road has been identified as a road that could accommodate and benefit from the introduction of a bus lane. In partnership with TFL, we are proposing:

  • a new westbound bus lane on Ruislip Road between Byron Way and Valiant Close, operating between 7am and 7pm
  • extension of eastbound bus lane currently under construction, between Broadmead Road and Adrienne Avenue, operating between 7am and 7pm
  • conversion of existing uncontrolled crossings into parallel crossings, which can be used by both cyclists and pedestrians 
  • minor kerb realignment on the northern side of Ruislip Road to accommodate the bus lane, between Lidl and Byron Way 
  • introduction of waiting restrictions to ensure the bus lanes are kept clear during operational hours

Improvements at Ruislip Road and Broadmead Road junction are currently under construction as part of a previously consulted proposal. The works include an eastbound bus lane on Ruislip Road from Byron Way to Broadmead Road.

Your views

Please look through the detailed proposals and have your say by completing the online survey

This consultation will be open between 14 October and 8 November 2024.

The responses to this consultation will be analysed and reported to your ward councillors and the cabinet member for climate action who will decide whether to implement the scheme. If the scheme is approved, the design may be amended based on feedback received during this consultation. The results of this consultation will be published on our website by December 2024.

Further information

For any help with the consultation, please contact highway services on highwayservices@ealing.gov.uk or telephone: 020 8825 5000.