This consultation has ended.
The council had received various parking complaints from residents and ward councillors about an increase in parking issues in the area. This included a petition signed by a collection of residents in the area.
We are also aware of some long-standing parking issues across the wider area. The industrial estate in the middle of the area causes increased pressure in and around the residential streets.
In view of this, we believed the area would benefit from controlled parking and we carried out a consultation to see whether residents would like controlled parking introduced in their street.
This consultation ran between 29 July and 8 September 2024.
What happens next
The results of the consultation are being analysed and will be discussed with ward councillors and the cabinet member for climate action. A full report on our findings will be published here in November.
Further information
For any questions, please contact:
Highway services
Telephone: 020 8825 9949