This consultation ran from 2 to 27 March 2022.
The council carried out a consultation for controlled parking in 2019. The results of that consultation showed that whilst many residents did not support the introduction of controlled parking, there was a clear level of support from those roads adjacent to the existing Zone V. As these roads provide the nearest available free parking, demand will inevitably be high. Council officers also noted that the configuration of the houses in some of these roads, means that they are unable to install driveways as the front gardens are too shallow. This is in contrast to the roads further west, where driveways are numerous and the parking capacity is much greater.
In view of this, we decided a smaller area would benefit from controlled parking and sought residents views to see whether they would like controlled parking introduced in their streets.
What happens next
The results of the consultation have been shared with Ward Councillors for their consideration and we will update this page with any further developments.
Further information
Highway services
Telephone: 020 8825 9949